Withey Brook on the Trebartha Estate where we are working, has some of the most exciting Atlantic woodland species with the most luxuriant growth of numerous indicator species in Cornwall I have seen. To go with the abundant bryophyte growth of Bazzania trilobata on boulders in the woods (image 1) & the lichen Lobaria pulmonaria […]
We’ve been immersed in SW woodlands over the last month, visiting sites we’ve never seen before. Some of the Woodland Trust’s more remote woodlands throughout Cornwall & Devon. We are proud to be involved with the analysis of these woodlands for their temperate rain-forest potential. Looking at the quality of habitat features, their current structure, […]
Woodland Management for Conservation In Britain ancient Woodlands are recognised as the most important for nature conservation. Certainly in the South West we have our rare and important Atlantic Woodland habitat to preserve. The charity Plantlife’s own ‘Building resilience in South West Woodland‘ project has been an invaluable resource to our work in woodland management. […]
Woodland Management for Biodiversity A woodland acts as a reserve for the whole landscape, linking a network of habitats. Vast amounts of Cornwall’s landscape are arable and pastoral with woodlands often isolated. Over time our environment has lost species with limited mobility that have been unable to recolonise. Therefore woodland management should aim to sustain […]
We have been so privileged this year having been introduced to Philip and Faith Hambly of Lethytep. This extraordinary piece of environmental heaven is the creation of the Hambly’s, yet they take very little credit for their hard work and passion for doing whats right for our wildlife. On the day we met, Philip and […]
You may have recently acquired a packet of Cornish Bluebells from our ancient woodland and why you are visiting our site. We do hope so! These bluebells have been lovingly collected and stored for a new project we have been keen to pursue due the importance of local seed provenance. It was inspired by a […]
Badger Friendly Farming has initially been created as a concept, some may say naively but it stems from one small woodland being surrounded by farmland. Watching badgers through a trail camera, they are fascinating and fun, a few families from different setts rubbing along together, all big and healthy. We ID them, name them and […]
We have been busy at HH HQ with a thirst for further education! To sum it up in just a few words, we are getting to know our Badgers, Beetles and Bryophytes more intimately plus an evening with a beaver or two too! Bryophytes: On Wednesday 3rd of April we attended one of Plantlife’s courses with […]
During the last few months of our woodland planning we have immersed ourselves in observing and surveying species and wildlife. The woodland has reached the closed canopy stage where the ground layer and shrub layer can't develop further. Thinning will allow a greater variety of woodland plants to thrive and benefit bio-diversity. The majority of […]
We are always excited to work with holiday cottage owners or holiday location companies in Cornwall and Devon. There is more to a successful holiday let than the accommodation alone. Its the experience they have, the views, the surrounding aspects, a time and place to relax and interesting features. No that’s not just a hot […]
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