Woodland Management for Conservation

Woodland Management for Conservation In Britain ancient Woodlands are recognised as the most important for nature conservation. Certainly in the South West we have our rare and important Atlantic Woodland habitat to preserve. The charity Plantlife’s own ‘Building resilience in South West Woodland‘ project has been an invaluable resource to our work in woodland management. […]

Woodland Management for Biodiversity

Woodland Management for Biodiversity A woodland acts as a reserve for the whole landscape, linking a network of habitats. Vast amounts of Cornwall’s landscape are arable and pastoral with woodlands often isolated. Over time our environment has lost species with limited mobility that have been unable to recolonise. Therefore woodland management should aim to sustain […]

Surveying our Woodland

During the last few months of our woodland planning we have immersed ourselves in observing and surveying species and wildlife. The woodland has reached the closed canopy stage where the ground layer and shrub layer can't develop further. Thinning will allow a greater variety of woodland plants to thrive and benefit bio-diversity. The majority of […]