We have been busy at HH HQ with a thirst for further education! To sum it up in just a few words, we are getting to know our Badgers, Beetles and Bryophytes more intimately plus an evening with a beaver or two too!
Bryophytes: On Wednesday 3rd of April we attended one of Plantlife’s courses with Dr Alison Smith specifically for our SW regions Atlantic Woodland, training for Rapid Woodland Assessment (RWA). Atlantic Woodlands are internationally important and part of the worlds temperate rainforest, a globally rare habitat but in Britain can be found in Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset due to our mild humid conditions and ample rainfall. We at Happy Habitats are in the fantastic position of being able to report on woodlands regularly and help Plantlife understand our regions potential to support important lichens and bryophytes and improve their conservation. We look forward to discussing our training with our woodland owning clients about how they too can help support this important conservation effort.
We are participating in further training on mosses and liverworts in June with the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS)
Badgers: We are very proud to announce Angie is now away training to be a fully qualified badger trapper and vaccinator. She hopes to offer as much support needed for the vaccination schemes ahead of us. Angie has so much drive to move positively away from the cull and help the future health and welfare of our badgers. We beleive there is not enough evidence to support the culls continuation which ultimately takes out the healthier more immune badgers. A badger vaccination scheme in our opinion offers an obvious alternative to ensure our future badgers are not infected by or carry Bovine TB. AKA: Not a part of the bigger problem we see today in our country.
In mid April we head over to Beetles! We will be introduced to the variety of species within the Chrysomelidae, (seed and leaf beetles) their ecology, identification, survey methods and habitats. We will be trained in the use of identification keys and shown the distinctive species to find in Cornwall. Reporting helps the future conservation needs of these important species within our ecosystem. With thanks to the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS)
We will be at the Cornwall Beaver Project the evening of the 17th April to learn more about the original foresters. How they sustainably coppice their woodland habitat for current and future food and building resources. We are hearing remarkable changes in the lansdcape for the benefit of biodiversity.
Lastly our rather excited Angie has been in communication with the inspirational Sarah Blackwell, (Founder and CEO of Forest Schools Education and Archimedes Earth) about our plans for the woodland and the educational workshops we want to hold. Sarah is also a well-known public speaker in the field of alternative education and outdoor learning. She has been pioneering Forest School training in the UK for the past 17 years and we look forward to meeting her for our training in the personal development of children with learning disabilities.