Natural Landscaping

Natural landscaping is describing how we see working in the environment when enhancing a space for amenity use; whilst considering what is best for retaining as much natural habitat at the same time.

If you are looking to create a new woodland, please jump to: our Woodland Planting page

For example, when thinning a woodland for biodiversity reasons, you may have a slope that turns to mud in winter and hard to traverse. We can use the wood we felled to either border a path, fill in and level up or create woodland steps. This would be entirely natural hardwood, no treatments. Whilst ground deadwood is an essential component of a woodland ecosystem, why not put it to good use! 

This is often combined with our Wildlife Gardens here:

Our work includes:

  • Improving access to a woodland
  • Woodland planting
  • Hedge laying
  • Creating ponds and lakes, planting  margins.
  • Creating unique habitat for amphibians and invertebrates
  • Wildflower meadow creation 
  • Building woodland steps
  • Building natural stone retaining walls
  • Rustic furniture, gates and fencing

Wherever possible we utilise the natural resources within the environment in our work. However, this work is often improving a baron or lost landscape. We always work with native plants and trees where appropriate and have great local suppliers who understand our ethos.

Woodland Landscaping

Whatever your needs are, please get in touch.

Please let us know what type of work you require or if it's simply an inquiry.